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We would be very helped with financial support. Taking care of the dogs costs a lot of money. With the adoption fee we can pay the normal costs, but not the unexpected costs. These are mainly medical costs, such as veterinary visits, medication or quarantine costs. For one day of quarantine at the vet we have to pay € 7. So after a week it has already amount to € 49. Of course we will never cut back on medical costs, but it does mean that any support is very welcome.
You can donate by PayPal or our Dutch bankaccount:
Bankaccount: NL70 INGB0007967310 in the name of AROS Foundation
With the buttons below you can donate too. We will buy the chosen item or service for our animals.
Dog food (15 kg)
Adult € 32
Puppy € 35
Every penny helps!
€ free donation
Puppy milk powder
Chewing bone
Castration dog
Flight to forever home
De-parasite treatment
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